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Letra de All In The Mind

Letra de la canción All In The Mind interpreteda por Oasis

All In The Mind

Letra de la canción All In The Mind interpretada por Oasis. Este tema esta incluído en el disco Heathen Chemistry
1894 visitas, 6 votos ()

Interprete: Oasis
Disco: Heathen Chemistry

Letra de la canción:

Show me who you are

I'll show you what you love

I'll give you half the world if that's enough

Let me take you down

Let me hear you smile

Let me rest my head here for a while

In the end we'll leave it all behind

Because the love I think I'm tryin' to find

It's probably all in the mind

Show me who you are

I'll show you what you love

I'll give you all the world if that's enough

In the end we'll leave it all behind

Because the love I think I'm tryin' to find

It's probably all in the mind

In the end we'll leave it all behind

In the end we'll leave it all behind

In the end we'll leave it all behind

Because the love I think I'm tryin' to find

It's probably all in the mind

All in the mind

All in the mind

All in the mind

La canción All In The Mind esta incluida en el disco Heathen Chemistry de Oasis. Información y letras del disco.
La canción All In The Mind esta en el disco Heathen Chemistry de Oasis.
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