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Letra de Why Can't It Wait 'till Morning

Letra de la canción Why Can't It Wait 'till Morning interpreteda por Phil Collins

Why Can't It Wait 'till Morning

Letra de la canción Why Can't It Wait 'till Morning interpretada por Phil Collins. Este tema esta incluído en el disco Hello, I Must Be Going
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Interprete: Phil Collins
Disco: Hello, I Must Be Going

Letra de la canción:

Why can't it wait 'til morning?

We can talk about it then

'Cos I've had a drink too many

And my troubles, well I ain't got any

Why can't it wait 'til daylight?

Things will seem much clearer then

I'm tired and my eyes are weary

And I just want you lying here with me

So close your eyes

I'll make it oh, so nice

Well I don't wanna think about what we've said

And I don't wanna know why we hurt ourselves

'Cos I just wanna hold you so close to me

It'll take care of itself and I wanna sleep

So why can't it wait 'til next time?

'Cos that time may never come

Stay here with your arms around me

You're going nowhere without me

So close your eyes

I'll make it oh, so nice for you

La canción Why Can't It Wait 'till Morning esta incluida en el disco Hello, I Must Be Going de Phil Collins. Información y letras del disco.
La canción Why Can't It Wait 'till Morning esta en el disco Hello, I Must Be Going de Phil Collins.
Si que conocer más de Phil Collins podés visitar su biografía, las letras de canciones interpretadas por Phil Collins, o su discografía.
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