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Letra de I've Forgotten Everything

Letra de la canción I've Forgotten Everything interpreteda por Phil Collins

I've Forgotten Everything

Letra de la canción I've Forgotten Everything interpretada por Phil Collins. Este tema esta incluído en el disco Both Sides
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Interprete: Phil Collins
Disco: Both Sides

Letra de la canción:

'...I get along without you very well' [Hoagy Carmichael. 1939]

I've forgotten everything about you

'til someone says your name

I've forgotten all the reasons I loved you

'til someone tells me that you rang

The memories are hazy now

I don't recall at all

there's nothing, there's nothing there

just me

and I don't understand why

I can't recollect my feelings

'til someone mentions that they saw you

I really don't remember all the things you said

'til someone shows me where you live

Why is everything so hazy now

I don't recall at all

there's nothing, there's nothing there

just me

and I don't understand why

I can't recall your smile

the touch of your hand holding mine

and I can't remember why

holding you seemed so right

The memories they're hazy now

I don't recall at all

there's nothing, there's nothing there

just me

and I don't understand why

I've forgotten everything about you

'til someone says your name

I've forgotten all the reasons I loved you

'til someone tells me that you rang

La canción I've Forgotten Everything esta incluida en el disco Both Sides de Phil Collins. Información y letras del disco.
La canción I've Forgotten Everything esta en el disco Both Sides de Phil Collins.
Si que conocer más de Phil Collins podés visitar su biografía, las letras de canciones interpretadas por Phil Collins, o su discografía.
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