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Letra de Live For Loving You

Letra de la canción Live For Loving You interpreteda por Gloria Estefan

Live For Loving You

Letra de la canción Live For Loving You interpretada por Gloria Estefan. Este tema esta incluído en el disco Into the light
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Interprete: Gloria Estefan
Disco: Into the light

Letra de la canción:, la, la, la, la, la,, la, la, la, la , la

Lying awake I turn to you as you are softly sleeping

I think of what I'd like to do while you are somewhere dreaming

I, I feel so happy by your side, oh why, I wonder, wonder, wonder why

Find it hard to find the words to say what I am feeling

I'm so in love I'm so alive and I know you're the reason why

Why I'm so crazy(happy) all the time, oh why I wonder, wonder, wonder why


I need nothing else in life that to hold you

I, oh I am in so deep, I don't need no sleep

Just baby you and me

Baby I live for loving you, oh la, la, la, la

Live for loving you, all I wanna do is love you, love you

(verse 2)

It would never cross my mind to find another lover

'Cause after having been with you, there could be no other

I, just touching you I'm satisfied, oh why I wonder, wonder, wonder why

La canción Live For Loving You esta incluida en el disco Into the light de Gloria Estefan. Información y letras del disco.
La canción Live For Loving You esta en el disco Into the light de Gloria Estefan.
Si que conocer más de Gloria Estefan podés visitar su biografía, las letras de canciones interpretadas por Gloria Estefan, o su discografía.
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