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Letra de Steal Your Heart

Letra de la canción Steal Your Heart interpreteda por Gloria Estefan

Steal Your Heart

Letra de la canción Steal Your Heart interpretada por Gloria Estefan. Este tema esta incluído en el disco Destiny
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Interprete: Gloria Estefan
Disco: Destiny

Letra de la canción:

I don't mean to be the teardrop spilling over your resentments

Don't intend to be the cry with which you voice your discontentment

I don't wanna be a picture, fading slowly from your memory

Don't intend to be a shadow simply darkening your passage

Only wanna lose myself behind the mirror of your eyes

Be the only balm that soothes the secret passions in your life

Only want to lose my senses, lose your sorrow calm this madness

Be the only one you count on to alleviate your sadness

I'll steal your heart and set it free

Tear down the walls that would surround you

I may hold you close to me

But these ties will never bind you

I don't mean to be the fire that's igniting your temptations

Don't intend to the the sword that runs you through with adoration

I don't want to be a whisper my emotions wrapped in silence

Don't intend to be the shout reminding you that time is priceless

Only want to be the wind that lifts you high above the ground

Living only to unlease the sacred powers that we've found

Only want to beathe your essence, be your comfort, fill with laughter

Every moment that we live from this day on, forever after

I'll steal your heart and set it free

So free, I'm sure it will astound you

Without my love you'll never be

In some way, I'll always find you

I'll steal your heart and set it free

Tear down the walls that would surround you

I may hold you close to me

But these ties will never bind you

Only want to be the wind that lifts you high above the ground

Living only to unlease the sacred powers that we've found

Only want to beathe your essence, be your comfort, fill with laughter

Every moment that we live from this day on, forever after

I'll steal your heart and set it free

So free, I'm sure it will astound you

Without my love you'll never be

In some way, I'll always find you

I'll steal your heart and set it free

Tear down the walls that would surround you

I may hold you close to me

But these ties will never bind you

I'll steal your heart and set it free

La canción Steal Your Heart esta incluida en el disco Destiny de Gloria Estefan. Información y letras del disco.
La canción Steal Your Heart esta en el disco Destiny de Gloria Estefan.
Si que conocer más de Gloria Estefan podés visitar su biografía, las letras de canciones interpretadas por Gloria Estefan, o su discografía.
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