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Letra de Path Of The Right Love

Letra de la canción Path Of The Right Love interpreteda por Gloria Estefan

Path Of The Right Love

Letra de la canción Path Of The Right Love interpretada por Gloria Estefan. Este tema esta incluído en el disco Destiny
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Interprete: Gloria Estefan
Disco: Destiny

Letra de la canción:

Love, love, love, love, love

Say the word so very losely

Where we come from is love, love, pure love

And we're on our way back home

And on that way, you never look back

'Cause there's nothing there to see

Just look around you

There's always someone that's in need

Of Maybe just kindness

As we watch each other bleed

From wounds we choose

We never lose

Love, love, love, love, love

Misunderstood yet so desired

We pay the cost for love, love, real love

But we get back so much more, so much more

So many questions

Begining to unfold

I look for the answers

In the middle of my soul

I know you're out there

And it's not like I've been told

So I run to you

I run to you

To find the path of the right love

Oh yeah the path of the right love

We're on the path of the one love

Oh yeah the path of the right love

Love, love, love, love, love

All around yet so elusive

If we don't reach out for love, love, this love

We're all just wasting time, precious time

When in the long run

What's meant to be will be

Those things we ask for

Become our destiny

But while we're living

Our souls can not be free

Eventually, we will come to see

To find the path of the right love, right love, right love

Oh yeah the path of the right love

We're on the path of the one love, yeah, yeah

Oh yeah the path of the right love

And that love, love, love, true love

Must surely be good, must surely be kind

And that love sweet love, strong love

Is meant to be yours, is meant to be mine

And I do believe if we share this life

We must learn to share all it's pain and strife

To find the path of the right love

Oh yeah the path of the right love

We're on the path of the one love

Oh yeah the path of the right love

To find the path of the right love

Oh yeah the path of the right love

We're on the path of the one love

Oh yeah the path of the right love

Aspire to your inevitable bliss

And every grace will be given you

La canción Path Of The Right Love esta incluida en el disco Destiny de Gloria Estefan. Información y letras del disco.
La canción Path Of The Right Love esta en el disco Destiny de Gloria Estefan.
Si que conocer más de Gloria Estefan podés visitar su biografía, las letras de canciones interpretadas por Gloria Estefan, o su discografía.
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