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Letra de Higher

Letra de la canción Higher interpreteda por Gloria Estefan


Letra de la canción Higher interpretada por Gloria Estefan. Este tema esta incluído en el disco Destiny
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Interprete: Gloria Estefan
Disco: Destiny

Letra de la canción:

Here we go, here we go now

I saw a girl today

Could tell from what she say

She was a liar

She walks a wire

I tried to make here see

That this was not the way

Of getting higher

And then she turned away, so I say hear me now

Just understand, don't get me wrong

You got to live your life, live it right,

Or you'll go back to the end of the line

Higher step it up, higher just do it right and go

Higher keep it up, higher just pick it up and you go

Higher move along, higher get off the ground

Higher lift it up, higher

There is a man I know

And everyplace he'd go he'd take your money

Think it was funny

He'd like to get his way, he never likes to pay

The law would chase him

But he just run away, so I say hear me now

Just understand, don't get me wrong

You got to live your life, live it right,

Or you'll go back to the end of the line

Higher step it up, higher just do it right and go

Higher keep it up, higher just pick it up and you go

Higher move along, higher get of the ground

Higher lift it up, higher here we go, here we go now

I gotta friend who lives on all the love he gives

When he retires, he's going higher

One thing I know is true, that everything you do

Will come back to you, don't let it fool you

And I say hear me now

Just understand, don't get me wrong You got to live your life, and live it right,

Or you'll go back to the end of the line Higher step it up, higher just do it right and go

Higher keep it up, higher just pick it up and you go

Higher move along, higher get of the ground

Higher lift it up, higher here we go, here we go now

Higher step it up, higher just do it right and go

Higher keep it up, higher just pick it up and you go

Higher move along, higher get of the ground

Higher lift it up, higher here we go, here we go now...

La canción Higher esta incluida en el disco Destiny de Gloria Estefan. Información y letras del disco.
La canción Higher esta en el disco Destiny de Gloria Estefan.
Si que conocer más de Gloria Estefan podés visitar su biografía, las letras de canciones interpretadas por Gloria Estefan, o su discografía.
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