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Letra de Oye Mi Canto - (English version)

Letra de la canción Oye Mi Canto - (English version) interpreteda por Gloria Estefan

Oye Mi Canto - (English version)

Letra de la canción Oye Mi Canto - (English version) interpretada por Gloria Estefan. Este tema esta incluído en el disco Cuts Both Ways
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Interprete: Gloria Estefan
Disco: Cuts Both Ways

Letra de la canción:

Take me... only for what I am

You've got a right to speak your mind

You've gotta take a stand

No one... has the right to say

This is right or that is wrong

It isn't just one way

Find common ground

Go in between

Things aren't always what they seem

Someday it'll be alright

Changes happen overnight

People, let's give each other room

If we're gonna work it out

We better make it soon

Love is... love is such a common word

When it's pride we mistake for love

Isn't that absurd

Why always take

The upper hand

It's better to understand

Someday it'll be alright

Changes happen overnight

Someday it'll be alright

Changes happen overnight

Oye mi canto

Oye mi canto

Oye mi canto

I believe in love but with no conditions

Oye mi canto

And giving in sometimes

Doesn't make it submission

Oye mi canto

Hate is so common it's almost tradition

Oye mi canto

Come on let's leave it behind

And make that transition

Oye mi canto

Oye mi canto

Oye mi canto

Oye mi canto

Oye mi canto....

La canción Oye Mi Canto - (English version) esta incluida en el disco Cuts Both Ways de Gloria Estefan. Información y letras del disco.
La canción Oye Mi Canto - (English version) esta en el disco Cuts Both Ways de Gloria Estefan.
Si que conocer más de Gloria Estefan podés visitar su biografía, las letras de canciones interpretadas por Gloria Estefan, o su discografía.
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