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Letra de Your Love Is Bad For Me

Letra de la canción Your Love Is Bad For Me interpreteda por Gloria Estefan

Your Love Is Bad For Me

Letra de la canción Your Love Is Bad For Me interpretada por Gloria Estefan. Este tema esta incluído en el disco Cuts Both Ways
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Interprete: Gloria Estefan
Disco: Cuts Both Ways

Letra de la canción:

Your love is bad for me

And yet no other lover makes me so insane

Feel so much pain

You don't belong to me

Every time I hear your voice or speak your name

I feel the same

Just like the first time we made love after so long

What can I do can't shake the feeling it's so strong

Your love is bad for me

I know that much is true

But being so bad is what makes it feel so good

Your love is bad for me

Lie awake most every night thinking of you

And what I'd do

If you were here with me

Love you till you could not take it any more

Then you'd walk out the door

But don't you know you always hurt the one you love

And though it's torture baby, I can't get enough

Sharing your love with someone else is so unkind

But I don't care if I know

Deep inside your mine

But don't you know you always hurt the one you love

And though it's torture baby, I can't get enough

Give me your kiss, give me your heart, give me your mind

I'll take whatever you can give me anytime, yeah

No, no, no

How I love you baby

Sweet baby you're bad for me

But I don't care

Can't you see

You're all I want baby... all I need

And I gotta have you

Your love is bad for me, I know

That much is true

But being so bad is what

Makes it feel so good

La canción Your Love Is Bad For Me esta incluida en el disco Cuts Both Ways de Gloria Estefan. Información y letras del disco.
La canción Your Love Is Bad For Me esta en el disco Cuts Both Ways de Gloria Estefan.
Si que conocer más de Gloria Estefan podés visitar su biografía, las letras de canciones interpretadas por Gloria Estefan, o su discografía.
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