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Letra de Pilgrimage

Letra de la canción Pilgrimage interpreteda por REM


Letra de la canción Pilgrimage interpretada por REM. Este tema esta incluído en el disco Murmur
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Interprete: REM
Disco: Murmur

Letra de la canción:

Take a turn, take a turn

Take our fortune, take our fortune

They called the clip a two-headed cow

Your hate clipped and distant, your luck, pilgrimage

Rest assured this will not last, take a turn for the worst

Your hate clipped and distant, your luck a two-headed cow

The pilgrimage has gained momentum

Take a turn, take a turn

Take our fortune, take our fortune

Speakin' in tongues, it's worth a broken lip

Your hate clipped and distant, your luck, pilgrimage

Rest assured this will not last, take a turn for the worst

Your hate clipped and distant, your luck a two-headed cow

The pilgrimage has gained momentum

Take a turn (take a turn), take a turn (take a turn)

Take our fortune (take a turn), take our fortune

Pilgrimage, pilgrimage

Speakin' in tongues, it's worth a broken lip

Your hate clipped and distant, your luck

Rest assured this will not last, take a turn for the worst

Your hate clipped and distant, your luck two-headed

The pilgrimage has gained momentum

Take a turn (take a turn), take a turn (take a turn)

Take our fortune (take a turn), take our fortune

Pilgrimage, pilgrimage

The pilgrimage has gained momentum

Take a turn (take a turn), take a turn (take a turn)

Take our fortune (take a turn), take our fortune (take a turn)

Take a turn (take a turn), take a turn (take a turn)

Take our fortune (take a turn), take our fortune

La canción Pilgrimage esta incluida en el disco Murmur de REM. Información y letras del disco.
La canción Pilgrimage esta en el disco Murmur de REM.
Si que conocer más de REM podés visitar su biografía, las letras de canciones interpretadas por REM, o su discografía.
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