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Letra de Perfect Circle

Letra de la canción Perfect Circle interpreteda por REM

Perfect Circle

Letra de la canción Perfect Circle interpretada por REM. Este tema esta incluído en el disco Murmur
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Interprete: REM
Disco: Murmur

Letra de la canción:

Put your hair back, we get to

Eleven gallows on your sleeve

Shallow figure, winner's paid

Eleven shadows way out of

Standing too soon, shoulders high in the room

Standing too soon, shoulders high in the room

Standing too soon, shoulders high in the room

Pull your dress on and stay real

Who might leave you where I left off?

A perfect circle of acquaintances and friends

Drink another, coin a phrase

Heaven assumed, shoulders high in the room

Heaven assumed, shoulders high in the room

Heaven assumed, shoulders high in the room

Try to win and suit your needs

Speak out sometimes but try to

Standing too soon, shoulders high in the room

Standing too soon, shoulders high in the room

Standing too soon, shoulders high in the

Standing too soon, shoulders high in the room

Standing too soon, shoulders high in the room

La canción Perfect Circle esta incluida en el disco Murmur de REM. Información y letras del disco.
La canción Perfect Circle esta en el disco Murmur de REM.
Si que conocer más de REM podés visitar su biografía, las letras de canciones interpretadas por REM, o su discografía.
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