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Letra de Leave

Letra de la canción Leave interpreteda por REM


Letra de la canción Leave interpretada por REM. Este tema esta incluído en el disco New Adventures in Hi-Fi
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Interprete: REM
Disco: New Adventures in Hi-Fi

Letra de la canción:

Nothing could be bring me closer

Nothing could be bring me near

Where is the road I follow?

Believing, leave

It's under, under, under my feet

The scene spread out there before me

Better I go where the land touches the sea

There is my trust in what I believe


That's what keeps me,

That's what keeps me,

That's what keeps me down,

To leave it, believe it,

Leave it all behind

Shifting the dream

Nothing could bring me further from my old friend time

Shifting the dream

Charging the scene

I know where I marked the signs

Suffer the dreams of a world gone mad

I like it like that and I know it

I know it well, ugly and sweet

A temperament who said believe in his dream

That's what keeps me

That's what keeps me

That's what keeps me down

I set it on there lightly

I sent it off in an airplane

That never left the ground

(repeat chorus)

Lift me, lift me,

I attain my dream

I lost myself, I lost them

Heartache calling me

I lost myself in sorrow

I lost myself in pain

I lost myself in gravity,

Memory, leave, leave, leave

(repeat chorus 2x)

Midnight hands, my eyes are still

I walk into the scene

Shoot myself in a different place


Longed for this to take me,

Longed for my release

Waited for the coming

Leavin', leave

Leave, leave

Leavin', leavin'

Leavin', leave

La canción Leave esta incluida en el disco New Adventures in Hi-Fi de REM. Información y letras del disco.
La canción Leave esta en el disco New Adventures in Hi-Fi de REM.
Si que conocer más de REM podés visitar su biografía, las letras de canciones interpretadas por REM, o su discografía.
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