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Letra de Binky The Doormat

Letra de la canción Binky The Doormat interpreteda por REM

Binky The Doormat

Letra de la canción Binky The Doormat interpretada por REM. Este tema esta incluído en el disco New Adventures in Hi-Fi
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Interprete: REM
Disco: New Adventures in Hi-Fi

Letra de la canción:

This is horror movie stuff

The muffin is peach, you're "makin" love'

You mean this opera involves handcuffs?

I lay defeated

Yeah, sour milk mouth, horseradish sweet

She's a girl and she's loving me

But distance is my tendency

I am defeated


Have you lost your place? (go away, go away)

I wore my doormat face (go away, go away, go away, go, go, go)

I hung my this or that (go away, go away, go away, go away)

I laid my welcome mat (go away, go away)

If I'm your oyster, where's the war?

You leave me gasping, tattered and torn

I know you can't find a fork

I am just a little acorn

Well, acorns grow to mighty trees

You've got sauce, but you don't have knees

Now look who's asking pretty please

I lay defeated

(repeat chorus)

Call your bathroom friends around

I will fake a little frown

I will be your little clown,

Easily defeated

Yeah, shut the door and open wide

Seconal and astroglide

Fuck with me and traumatize

Don't you see I love your hide?

All the beauty that's trapped inside

Can't you see I love your hide?

Can't you see I love your hide?

Can't you see it?

Have you lost your place? (go away, go away)

I wore my doormat face (go away, go away, go away, go, go, go)

I hung my this or that (go away, go away, go away, go away)

I laid my welcome mat (go away, go away, go away, go, go, go)

I hung my this or that (go away, go away, go away, go away)

I laid my welcome mat (go away, go away, go away, go, go, go)

Go away, go away, go away

Go away, go away, go away

La canción Binky The Doormat esta incluida en el disco New Adventures in Hi-Fi de REM. Información y letras del disco.
La canción Binky The Doormat esta en el disco New Adventures in Hi-Fi de REM.
Si que conocer más de REM podés visitar su biografía, las letras de canciones interpretadas por REM, o su discografía.
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