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Letra de Half A Woman, Half A Shadow

Letra de la canción Half A Woman, Half A Shadow interpreteda por Roxette

Half A Woman, Half A Shadow

Letra de la canción Half A Woman, Half A Shadow interpretada por Roxette. Este tema esta incluído en el disco Look Sharp!
1786 visitas, 2 votos ()

Interprete: Roxette
Disco: Look Sharp!

Letra de la canción:

Wash my pain away

half a woman, half a shadow

Daylight is breaking again.

I hide in the dark.

I'm watching the rain.

You're out of touch

and you're out of reach.

What can I say,

I never wanted it this way.

Love sleeps all alone.

The cold telephone,

I know the heart.

Yes, I know the kind.

The kisses of fire,

turning to grey.

I never wanted it this way.

I always wanted you to stay

Cause I'm half a woman, half a shadow.

Wash my pain away

Cause I'm half a woman, half a shadow.

Oh, love always change with the trees,

the spring and the leaves,

the waves on the sea.

Wilder than light the wind in your eyes

led me astray.

I never wanted it this way.

I always wanted you to stay.

Wash my pain away

Cause I'm half a woman, half a shadow.

Wash my pain away

Cause I'm half a woman, half a shadow.

Oh, wash my pain away

Oh I need you, yes I need you.

Give me a reason to believe.

La canción Half A Woman, Half A Shadow esta incluida en el disco Look Sharp! de Roxette. Información y letras del disco.
La canción Half A Woman, Half A Shadow esta en el disco Look Sharp! de Roxette.
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