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Letra de Why Does It Hurt So Bad

Letra de la canción Why Does It Hurt So Bad interpreteda por Whitney Houston

Why Does It Hurt So Bad

Letra de la canción Why Does It Hurt So Bad interpretada por Whitney Houston. Este tema esta incluído en el disco Waiting To Exhale
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Interprete: Whitney Houston
Disco: Waiting To Exhale

Letra de la canción:


Why does it hurt so bad

Why do I feel so sad

Thought I was over you

But I keep crying

When I don't love you

So why does it hurt so bad

I thought I had let you go

So why does it hurt me so

I gotta get you outta my head

It hurts so bad

Oh it hurts so bad baby

My life's been better

Since the day I left you boy

I must admit life's been kind to me

I went and did the things I said I would boy

I found someone who loves me for me

Haven't had much drama since the day that we split boy

My heart's never been more at ease

And when I think of all the things you put me through

Leaving you has been the best thing for me


So why does it hurt so bad

Why do I feel so sad

I thought I was over you

But I keep crying

When I don't love you

So why does it hurt so bad

Baby I thought I had let you go

So why does it hurt me so

I gotta get you outta my head

Hurts me so bad

Hurts so (yeah you do)

Hurts so (hurts me so)

Hurts so bad (did you know)

Hurts so (that it hurts me so)

Hurts so (so bad, hey hoh)

"Never again" that's what I said to myself

I never wanna feel kind of pain again boy

Just when I think it's over

Just when I think it's through

I find myself right back in love with you


So why does it hurt so bad oh baby

Why do I feel so sad

(thought I thought I) Thought I was over you

I keep crying

When I don't love you (when I really don't love you boy)

(oh no oh no oh no oh no it hurts so bad, oh tell me)

So why does it hurt so bad

I thought I had let you go (thought I could let you go)

You could

Gotta get you outta my head

Boy you hurt me so bad

Hurts so (yeah you do)

Hurts so (hurt me so)

Hurts so bad (hurts so)

Hurts so (sure you did)

Hurts so (make me wanna make me wanna shoop shoop)

Hurts so bad (hurt me so, gotta shoop now, hey hey hey hey)

Hurts so bad (Hurts me so)

Oh why, you hurt me so bad

Bad... (how bout that?)

La canción Why Does It Hurt So Bad esta incluida en el disco Waiting To Exhale de Whitney Houston. Información y letras del disco.
La canción Why Does It Hurt So Bad esta en el disco Waiting To Exhale de Whitney Houston.
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