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Letra de Who Would Imagine A King

Letra de la canción Who Would Imagine A King interpreteda por Whitney Houston

Who Would Imagine A King

Letra de la canción Who Would Imagine A King interpretada por Whitney Houston. Este tema esta incluído en el disco One Wish: The Holiday Album
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Interprete: Whitney Houston
Disco: One Wish: The Holiday Album

Letra de la canción:

Mommies and daddies always believe

That their little angels are special indeed

And you could grow up to be anything

But who would imagine a king?

A shepherd or teacher is what you could be

Or maybe a fisherman out on the sea

Or maybe a carpenter building things

But who would imagine a king?

It was so clear when the wise men arrived

And the angels were singing your name

That the world would be different 'cause you were alive

That's what heaven stood still to proclaim

One day an angel said quietly

That soon he would bring something special to me

And of all of the wonderful gifts he could bring

Who would imagine, who could imagine,

Who would imagine a king?

La canción Who Would Imagine A King esta incluida en el disco One Wish: The Holiday Album de Whitney Houston. Información y letras del disco.
La canción Who Would Imagine A King esta en el disco One Wish: The Holiday Album de Whitney Houston.
Si que conocer más de Whitney Houston podés visitar su biografía, las letras de canciones interpretadas por Whitney Houston, o su discografía.
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