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Letra de S. O. S.

Letra de la canción S. O. S. interpreteda por ABBA

S. O. S.

Letra de la canción S. O. S. interpretada por ABBA. Este tema esta incluído en el disco ABBA
11099 visitas, 6 votos () y 2 comentario/s

Interprete: ABBA
Disco: ABBA

Letra de la canción:

Where are those happy days, they seem so hard to find

I tried to reach for you, but you have closed your mind

Whatever happened to our love?

I wish I understood

It used to be so nice, it used to be so good

So when you're near me, darling can't you hear me

S. O. S.

The love you gave me, nothing else can save me

S. O. S.

When you're gone

How can I even try to go on?

When you're gone

Though I try how can I carry on?

You seem so far away though you are standing near

You made me feel alive, but something died I fear

I really tried to make it out

I wish I understood

What happened to our love, it used to be so good

So when you're near me, darling can't you hear me

S. O. S.

The love you gave me, nothing else can save me

S. O. S.

When you're gone

How can I even try to go on?

When you're gone

Though I try how can I carry on?

So when you're near me, darling can't you hear me

S. O. S.

And the love you gave me, nothing else can save me

S. O. S.

When you're gone

How can I even try to go on?

When you're gone

Though I try how can I carry on?

When you're gone

How can I even try to go on?

When you're gone

Though I try how can I carry on?

La canción S. O. S. esta incluida en el disco ABBA de ABBA. Información y letras del disco.
La canción S. O. S. esta en el disco ABBA de ABBA.
Si que conocer más de ABBA podés visitar su biografía, las letras de canciones interpretadas por ABBA, o su discografía.
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Comentarios sobre S. O. S.
Comentario de Delfina (03/06/2009 16:01)
Me gusta mucho esta canción e escuchado muchas canciones de ABBA y este tema es una de las canciones que mas me gusta además de Mamma Mia y Our Last Summer
Comentario de Alex (29/08/2008 22:23)
Ese tema esta hermoso muy buenas voces