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Letra de Half The Man

Letra de la canción Half The Man interpreteda por Jamiroquai

Half The Man

Letra de la canción Half The Man interpretada por Jamiroquai. Este tema esta incluído en el disco The Return of the Space Cowboy
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Interprete: Jamiroquai
Disco: The Return of the Space Cowboy

Letra de la canción:

Yesterday I was

Half the man I used to be

Oh, maybe that's because

You're the other helf of me

Like the spring in bloom

The summer of our love is soon

Every bird will sing

The melody of our love tune.

Send down from above

Unconditionally love

Likened to a flower

Stronger love grows by the hour

Stormy weather days

Make us go our separate ways

Where our love was so at ease

Now you got me down on my knees.

Yesterday I was

Brighter than the morning sun

Now my love is lost

And lonely days have just begun

A solitary chair

For a silent love affair

A king lost his throne

And now he sits alone

La canción Half The Man esta incluida en el disco The Return of the Space Cowboy de Jamiroquai. Información y letras del disco.
La canción Half The Man esta en el disco The Return of the Space Cowboy de Jamiroquai.
Si que conocer más de Jamiroquai podés visitar su biografía, las letras de canciones interpretadas por Jamiroquai, o su discografía.
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