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Letra de Hide Away

Letra de la canción Hide Away interpreteda por Hilary Duff

Hide Away

Letra de la canción Hide Away interpretada por Hilary Duff. Este tema esta incluído en el disco Hilary Duff
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Interprete: Hilary Duff
Disco: Hilary Duff

Letra de la canción:

Hiding Away

Losin' my day

As if it doesn't really matter

Saying Goodbye

Scared to say why

Afraid it will shatter our world

Show me some faith now

Trust me somehow

Why are we keepin' our secret

Why are we hiding ourselves away

Everywhere we can hide away

I dont wanna fake it

I wanna make you believe, but i cant

I wont let you...hide away

Where do we go

How do we know

What we're ever really after

Sometimes it's clear

When you are here

Nothing can shatter our world

I need some faith now

To trust you somehow

Why are we keepin' our secret

Why are we hiding ourselves away

Everywhere we can hide away

I dont wanna fake it

I wanna make you believe but i cant

I wont let you...hide away

Maybe i, maybe i, maybe i'm losin'

Maybe i, maybe i, maybe i'm broken

Turn around, look around, go around in circles

Dont run away, drift away, dont hide away

Why are we keepin' our secret

Why are we hiding ourselves away

Everywhere you can, hide away

I dont wanna fake it

I wanna make you believe but i cant

Ohh but i cant

Believe what i said

I wont let you hide away, hide away

Hiding away, losin' my day

As if it doesn't really matter

La canción Hide Away esta incluida en el disco Hilary Duff de Hilary Duff. Información y letras del disco.
La canción Hide Away esta en el disco Hilary Duff de Hilary Duff.
Si que conocer más de Hilary Duff podés visitar su biografía, las letras de canciones interpretadas por Hilary Duff, o su discografía.
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