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Letra de Lady of the Flowers

Letra de la canción Lady of the Flowers interpreteda por Placebo

Lady of the Flowers

Letra de la canción Lady of the Flowers interpretada por Placebo. Este tema esta incluído en el disco Placebo
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Interprete: Placebo
Disco: Placebo

Letra de la canción:

'Scuse me, I apologize

he likes your attitude, he tries it on for size

he spends the afternoon, between your thighs

how's that for gratitude, I apologize.

It seemed to last for hours

It seemed to last for days

This lady of the flowers

and her hypnotic gaze.

'Scuse me, I apologize

she's got vacum cleaner eyes

suck you in

she's got magazines, filled with pear pies

'scuse me, I apologize

It seemed to last for hours

It seemed to last for days

This lady of the flowers

and her hypnotic gaze.

She wears her tears on her blouse

confused and racked with self-doubt

she stole the keys to my house

and then she locked herself out.

'Scuse me, I apologize

he likes your attitude, he tries it on for size

he spends the afternoon, between your thighs

how's that for gratitude, I apologize.

It seemed to last for hours

It seemed to last for days

This lady of the flowers

her electronic haze.

She wears her tears on her blouse

confused and racked with self-doubt

she stole the keys to my house

and then she locked herself out.

She stole the keys to my house

and then she locked herself out.

She lays me down

she lays me.

La canción Lady of the Flowers esta incluida en el disco Placebo de Placebo. Información y letras del disco.
La canción Lady of the Flowers esta en el disco Placebo de Placebo.
Si que conocer más de Placebo podés visitar su biografía, las letras de canciones interpretadas por Placebo, o su discografía.
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