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Letra de The Story

Letra de la canción The Story interpreteda por Limp Bizkit

The Story

Letra de la canción The Story interpretada por Limp Bizkit. Este tema esta incluído en el disco The Unquestionable Truth, Pt. 1
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Interprete: Limp Bizkit
Disco: The Unquestionable Truth, Pt. 1

Letra de la canción:

just live and let die

check, check, check, comon

if you could take a minute of your life

a certain minute when you feel the lightning strike

danger is the only level of that moment

but it's your moment and you know you'll fucking own it.

glorified in the grace by your victory

when your done, you escape without memory

blindfolded through this life as we learn

and consequences when the wrong pages turn

it's an E! true hollywood story

take a man down with his own glory

now guess who's next

at some point we come down from the highs

it's no big deal we move on with our lives ??????

and some of us let the last color cries ?????

do the math, you can laugh when I die

if life is just a fantasy life then could you

live this fantasy life for soemthing would you

just remember that the ??? are not posable

and the mother fucking heroes are dispsable

it's an E! true hollywood story

take a man down with his own glory

now guess who's next

it's an E! true hollywood story

take a man down with his own glory

now guess who's next

Just live and let die

just live an let

just live and let

just live and let die

Just live and let die

just live an let

just live and let

so what about the hardcore that ain't hard anymore

or the shit talkers who ain't shit anymore

or the old fighters that can't fight anymore

or the white kid's who ain't white any more

or the actors that don't act anymore

or the rappers that don't rap anymore

or the hipsters that don't hip anymore

or the limpsters that don't limip anymore

Just live and let die

just live an let

just live and let

just live and let die

Just live and let die

just live an let

just live and let

but no

it's impossible

just to live your live your life

and let us die

oh mother fuck that

you wanna talk about some shit

let's talk about

the hardcore that ain't hard anymore

or the shit talkers who ain't shit anymore

or the old fighters that can't fight anymore

or the white kid's who ain't white any more

or the actors that don't act anymore

or the rappers that don't rap anymore

or the hipsters that don't hip anymore

or the limpsters that don't limip anymore

it's an E! true hollywood story

take a man down with his own glory

now guess who's next

it's an E! true hollywood story

take a man down with his own glory

now guess who's next

La canción The Story esta incluida en el disco The Unquestionable Truth, Pt. 1 de Limp Bizkit. Información y letras del disco.
La canción The Story esta en el disco The Unquestionable Truth, Pt. 1 de Limp Bizkit.
Si que conocer más de Limp Bizkit podés visitar su biografía, las letras de canciones interpretadas por Limp Bizkit, o su discografía.
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