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Letra de The mirror

Letra de la canción The mirror interpreteda por Hoobastank

The mirror

Letra de la canción The mirror interpretada por Hoobastank. Este tema esta incluído en el disco Basketball Shorts
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Interprete: Hoobastank
Disco: Basketball Shorts

Letra de la canción:

Is it shame?

Is it greed?

Is it something that I need?

To make me feel so strong to the other ones

Is it real?

Is it true?

All the trouble I go through

Is it just a way, to show

(Trying so hard, but still I get nothing)

That I don´t have the strength to show

But the mirror will always know

I´ve got to let go

Is it them?

Is it me?

I´m just too occupied to see

Afraid to look within to the real one

Can it be that I am scared

To share the parts I´ve never shared?

Or is it just a way, to show

(Trying so hard, but still I get nothing)

You won´t get inside my head cause I won´t let you go

To see that I´m crying out for you to

Know what I want to say

I´ve got to let you know

That I want to say

I´ve just got to tell you

La canción The mirror esta incluida en el disco Basketball Shorts de Hoobastank. Información y letras del disco.
La canción The mirror esta en el disco Basketball Shorts de Hoobastank.
Si que conocer más de Hoobastank podés visitar su biografía, las letras de canciones interpretadas por Hoobastank, o su discografía.
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