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Letra de Heart Of Misery

Letra de la canción Heart Of Misery interpreteda por The Rasmus

Heart Of Misery

Letra de la canción Heart Of Misery interpretada por The Rasmus. Este tema esta incluído en el disco Hide from the Sun
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Interprete: The Rasmus
Disco: Hide from the Sun

Letra de la canción:

I dont wanna feel anything today

(I dont wanna feel anything today)

Anything at all ill just be alone

(I just wanna know that you wanna know)

I dont wanna live through another day

(I dont wanna live through another day)

Meaningless to fight for the victory

I just wanna die in the heart of misery

One love (one love)

One life (one life)

Knock me in the heart of misery

One love (one love)

One fight (one fight)

Knock me in the heart of misery

I will never be anything again

(I will never be anything again)

Im tired to give i dont wanna try

(I dont need to live i just need die)

I just wanna fly throw it all away

(I just wanna fly throw it all away)

Meaningless to fight for your sympathy

I just wanna drown in the heart of misrey

One love (one love)

One life (one life)

Knock me in the heart of misery

One love (one love)

One fight (one fight)

Knock me in the heart of misery

One life forgot to be

One heart refuse to beat

One love is incomplete

One love

One life

Knock me in the heart of misery

One love (one love)

One fight (one fight)

Knock me in the heart of misery

Ahh ahhh ahhh ahhh

In the heart of misery

Ahh ahhh ahhh ahhh

In the heart of misery

La canción Heart Of Misery esta incluida en el disco Hide from the Sun de The Rasmus. Información y letras del disco.
La canción Heart Of Misery esta en el disco Hide from the Sun de The Rasmus.
Si que conocer más de The Rasmus podés visitar su biografía, las letras de canciones interpretadas por The Rasmus, o su discografía.
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