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Letra de In Your Eyes

Letra de la canción In Your Eyes interpreteda por Anastacia

In Your Eyes

Letra de la canción In Your Eyes interpretada por Anastacia. Este tema esta incluído en el disco Pieces of a Dream
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Interprete: Anastacia
Disco: Pieces of a Dream

Letra de la canción:

love I get so lost, sometimes

days pass and this emptiness fills my heart

when I want to run away

I drive off in my car

but whichever way I go

I come back to the place you are

all my instincts, they return

and the grand facade, so soon will burn

without a noise, without my pride

I reach out from the inside

in your eyes

the light the heat

in your eyes

I am complete

in your eyes

I see the doorway to a thousand churches

in your eyes

the resolution of all the fruitless searches

in your eyes

I see the light and the heat

in your eyes

oh, I want to be that complete

I want to touch the light

the heat I see in your eyes

love, I don't like to see so much pain

so much wasted and this moment keeps slipping away

I get so tired of working so hard for our survival

I look to the time with you to keep me awake and alive

and all my instincts, they return

and the grand facade, so soon will burn

without a noise, without my pride

I reach out from the inside

in your eyes

the light the heat

in your eyes

I am complete

in your eyes

I see the doorway to a thousand churches

in your eyes

the resolution of all the fruitless searches

in your eyes

I see the light and the heat

in your eyes

oh, I want to be that complete

I want to touch the light,

the heat I see in your eyes

in your eyes in your eyes

in your eyes in your eyes

in your eyes in your eyes

La canción In Your Eyes esta incluida en el disco Pieces of a Dream de Anastacia. Información y letras del disco.
La canción In Your Eyes esta en el disco Pieces of a Dream de Anastacia.
Si que conocer más de Anastacia podés visitar su biografía, las letras de canciones interpretadas por Anastacia, o su discografía.
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