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Letra de Bitter Tears

Letra de la canción Bitter Tears interpreteda por INXS

Bitter Tears

Letra de la canción Bitter Tears interpretada por INXS. Este tema esta incluído en el disco The Greatest Hits
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Interprete: INXS
Disco: The Greatest Hits

Letra de la canción:

In the mist

Of my endless search

The best in life

Becomes clear

The rest just begins

To fade by itself

That's a trick I learnt

Though it took so long

Bitter tears taste so sweet


I'm seeing my way

For the first time in years

When the love around

Begins to suffer

And you can't find love

In one

In one another

Push away those bitter tears

Bitter tears

And I thought I was doing no wrong

And I thought I was doing no wrong

In the hour of your needs

Lips are trembling

Cause you're gonna be free

Realise what we're doing here

The time is right to kill your fears

Bitter tears taste so sweet


And I thought I was doing no wrong

Push away those bitter tears

Push away those bitter tears

Push away those bitter tears

Push away those bitter tears

That's what they call doing no wrong

That's what they call doing no wrong

Push away those bitter tears

Push away those bitter tears

Push away those bitter tears

That's what they call doing no wrong

La canción Bitter Tears esta incluida en el disco The Greatest Hits de INXS. Información y letras del disco.
La canción Bitter Tears esta en el disco The Greatest Hits de INXS.
Si que conocer más de INXS podés visitar su biografía, las letras de canciones interpretadas por INXS, o su discografía.
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