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Letra de Girl On Fire

Letra de la canción Girl On Fire interpreteda por INXS

Girl On Fire

Letra de la canción Girl On Fire interpretada por INXS. Este tema esta incluído en el disco Elegantly Wasted
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Interprete: INXS
Disco: Elegantly Wasted

Letra de la canción:

I just landed

Girl on fire

I felt the heat

From Sydney to London

Well she shut my mouth

With her repartee

I opened hers

With the rest of me

Girl on fire

Baby burn burn burn

Girl on fire

Baby burn burn burn

Outta the shadows

Comes a dirty song

The same old faces

Try to keep you in line

I saw you laughing

At the very first show

You lit up the city

From the twenty-sixth floor

Girl on fire

Baby burn burn burn

Girl on fire

What's saving her

Baby burn burn burn

Baby burn burn burn

Baby burn burn burn

I just landed

Girl on fire

I felt the heat

From New York to London

Well she shut my mouth

With a repartee

I opened hers

With the things that I say

Girl on fire

That's the heat that burns

Girl on fire

How the flames make you learn

Girl on fire

Baby burn burn burn

Girl on fire

How the flames make me yearn

Girl on fire

Girl on fire

Girl on fire

Girl on girl on

Flames are rising

Flames are rising

Flames are rising

Flames are rising

La canción Girl On Fire esta incluida en el disco Elegantly Wasted de INXS. Información y letras del disco.
La canción Girl On Fire esta en el disco Elegantly Wasted de INXS.
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