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Letra de Back Home

Letra de la canción Back Home interpreteda por Eric Clapton

Back Home

Letra de la canción Back Home interpretada por Eric Clapton. Este tema esta incluído en el disco Back Home
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Interprete: Eric Clapton
Disco: Back Home

Letra de la canción:

I've been on the road too long

Moving in the wrong direction

I don't know where I belong

I don't know what I will do

If I can't get back home

Troubles I've got on my rope

They don't fit no other person

Memories keep rollin' on

I don't know what I will do

If I can't get back home

I don't fit but I don't give a damn

I won't quit 'cause I know who I am

And I admit and I've been on the left

Bit by bit, I'll review my plan

This is it, do the best I can

Trust and understand

'Cause I know that I am loved

'Cause I'll be on my way

Got no need to stay 'round here

'Cause I been on this road too long

Going in the wrong direction

And I don't know where I come from

All I know is I will die

If I don't get back home

La canción Back Home esta incluida en el disco Back Home de Eric Clapton. Información y letras del disco.
La canción Back Home esta en el disco Back Home de Eric Clapton.
Si que conocer más de Eric Clapton podés visitar su biografía, las letras de canciones interpretadas por Eric Clapton, o su discografía.
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