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Letra de K.I.A (Killed In Action)

Letra de la canción K.I.A (Killed In Action) interpreteda por Jet

K.I.A (Killed In Action)

Letra de la canción K.I.A (Killed In Action) interpretada por Jet. Este tema esta incluído en el disco Shaka Rock
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Interprete: Jet
Disco: Shaka Rock

Letra de la canción:

live in the middle of a combat zone

And I'm too scared to pick up the phone

I went to the market to fill up my heart

Now I'm in a coma, state of the art

It goes (uhhuh uhhuh uhhuh uhhuh)

I ain't there (uhhuh uhhuh uhhuh uhhuh)

This ain't fair (uhhuh uhhuh uhhuh uhhuh)

I ain't scared (uhhuh uhhuh uhhuh uhhuh)

I live out of state in a mobile home

I got my hands on a cellular phone

I fell into a ditch full of VCRs

Now I'm in a movie same as the star

It goes

K-I-A in love, I'm your target

K-I-A baby let's, get this started

I wanna Kung Fu kick you in your four-wheel drive

It's a war zone baby do you want to survive

I know this ain't real it's gone too far

Let's get into a coma just like the stars

K-I-A in love, I'm your target

K-I-A is my, fifties party

K-I-A in the supermarket

K-I-A baby let's, get this started

Tell them you're not a joke

Tell me you're not a joke

Tell them it's all a joke

Tell me it's all a joke

Tell me it's all a joke [x4]



I got faith, you know

I'm in love

K-I-A in love, I'm your target

K-I-A is my, I'm in love

K-I-A in the supermarket

K-I-A baby let's, get this started

La canción K.I.A (Killed In Action) esta incluida en el disco Shaka Rock de Jet. Información y letras del disco.
La canción K.I.A (Killed In Action) esta en el disco Shaka Rock de Jet.
Si que conocer más de Jet podés visitar su biografía, las letras de canciones interpretadas por Jet, o su discografía.
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