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Letra de Anyone

Letra de la canción Anyone interpreteda por Roxette


Letra de la canción Anyone interpretada por Roxette. Este tema esta incluído en el disco Have a Nice Day
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Interprete: Roxette
Disco: Have a Nice Day

Letra de la canción:

Anyone who have a love close to this,

knows what I'm saying

Anyone who wants a dream to come true,

knows how I'm feeling

All I can think of is you and me,

doing the things I wanna do

All I imagine is heaven on earth,

I know it's you

Anyone who ever kissed in the rain,

knows the whole meaning

Anyone who ever stood in the light,

needs no explaining

But everything more or less appears so meaningless,

blue and cold

Walking alone through the afternoon traffic,

I miss you so

Anyone who felt like I do

Anyone who wasn't ready to fall

Anyone who loved like I do

Knows it never really happens at all

It's over when it's over

What can I do about it

Now that it's over

Everything more or less is looking so meaningless,

and fades to grey

Lying awake in an ocean of teardrops,

I float away

Anyone who felt like I do

Anyone who wasn't ready to fall

Anyone who loved like I do

Knows it never really happens at all

It's over when it's over

What can I do about it

Now that it's over

Hey baby

Anyone who felt like I do

Anyone who wasn't ready to fall

Anyone who loved like I do

Knows it never really happens at all

It's over when it's over

What can I do about it

Now, now it's all over

La canción Anyone esta incluida en el disco Have a Nice Day de Roxette. Información y letras del disco.
La canción Anyone esta en el disco Have a Nice Day de Roxette.
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