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Letra de Down is the new up

Letra de la canción Down is the new up interpreteda por Radiohead

Down is the new up

Letra de la canción Down is the new up interpretada por Radiohead. Este tema esta incluído en el disco In Rainbows
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Interprete: Radiohead
Disco: In Rainbows

Letra de la canción:

Get yourself together

Let the light pour in

Pour yourself a hot bath, pour yourself a drink

Nothing´s gonna happen without a warning

Down is the new up

What is up, buttercup

Down is the new up, is the new up

Your services are not required

Your future´s bleak, you´re so last week

Ladies and gentlemen, without a safety net

I shall now perform a 180 flip-flop

I shall now amputate, I shall now contort

Because down is the new up

What if I just flip-flopped?

Down is the new up

Down is the new up

Down is the new up, is the new up

You´re on Candid Camera

The chink in your armor

Topsy turvy town, topsy turvy town

Shake your pockets out

Pass it on, pass it down

Topsy turvy town, topsy turvy town

La canción Down is the new up esta incluida en el disco In Rainbows de Radiohead. Información y letras del disco.
La canción Down is the new up esta en el disco In Rainbows de Radiohead.
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