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Letra de I'm Outta Time

Letra de la canción I'm Outta Time interpreteda por Oasis

I'm Outta Time

Letra de la canción I'm Outta Time interpretada por Oasis. Este tema esta incluído en el disco Dig out your soul
2844 visitas, 4 votos () y 1 comentario/s

Interprete: Oasis
Disco: Dig out your soul

Letra de la canción:

La la la la la x 4

Here's a song

It reminds me of when we were young

Looking back at all the things we've done

You gotta keep on keepin' on

Out to sea

Is the only place I am asleep

Can get myself some piece of mind

You know it's getting hard to fly

If I'm to fall

Would you be there to applaud

Or would you hide behind the law

Because If I am to go

In my heart you grow

And that's where you belong

If I'm to fall

Would you be there to applaud

Or would you hide behind the law

Because If I am to go

In my heart you grow

And that's where you belong

If I'm to fall

Would you be there to applaud

Or would you hide behind the law

Because If I am to go

In my heart you grow

And that's where you belong

Yes I'm out of time

I'm out of time

I'm out of time

I'm out of time

I'm out of time

La canción I'm Outta Time esta incluida en el disco Dig out your soul de Oasis. Información y letras del disco.
La canción I'm Outta Time esta en el disco Dig out your soul de Oasis.
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Comentarios sobre I'm Outta Time
Comentario de Andres (05/08/2009 00:39) mejor cancion del ultimo disco. Saludetes! la pagina excelente!