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Letra de Bright Lights

Letra de la canción Bright Lights interpreteda por Placebo

Bright Lights

Letra de la canción Bright Lights interpretada por Placebo. Este tema esta incluído en el disco Battle for the sun
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Interprete: Placebo
Disco: Battle for the sun

Letra de la canción:

Cast your mind back to the days,

When I pretend' I was OK.

I had so very much to say,

About my crazy livin'.

Now that I've stared into the void,

So many people, I've annoyed.

I have to find a middle way,

A better way of livin'.

So I haven't given up,

That all my choices, my good luck...

Appear to go and get me stuck,

In an open prison.

Now I am tryin' to break free,

In a state of empathy.

Find the true and enemy,

Eradicate this prison.

No-one can take it away from me,

And no-one can tear it apart.

'Cause a heart that hurts,

Is a heart that works.

A heart that hurts,

Is a heart that works.

A heart that hurts,

Is a heart that works.

No-one can take it away from me,

No-one can tear it apart.

Maybe ' an elaborate fantasy,

But it's the perfect place to start.

'Cause a heart that hurts,

Is a heart that works.

A heart that hurts,

Is a heart that... works.

La canción Bright Lights esta incluida en el disco Battle for the sun de Placebo. Información y letras del disco.
La canción Bright Lights esta en el disco Battle for the sun de Placebo.
Si que conocer más de Placebo podés visitar su biografía, las letras de canciones interpretadas por Placebo, o su discografía.
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