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Letra de The Never-ending Why

Letra de la canción The Never-ending Why interpreteda por Placebo

The Never-ending Why

Letra de la canción The Never-ending Why interpretada por Placebo. Este tema esta incluído en el disco Battle for the sun
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Interprete: Placebo
Disco: Battle for the sun

Letra de la canción:

The atom will implode

The fragile kingdom fall

The tremor becomes a quake

There's a body in the lake

And as the two of us rebel

Damn you all to hell

I wonder if that's all there is

Time will help you through

But it doesn't have the time

To give you all the answers to the never-ending why

The sound of silence grows

As spiders kissing fly

And the tumor becomes a rhyme

But the kids are doing fine

And as the two of us rebel

And damn you all to hell

I wonder if that's all there is

Time will help you through

But it doesn't have the time

To give you all the answers to the never-ending why

La canción The Never-ending Why esta incluida en el disco Battle for the sun de Placebo. Información y letras del disco.
La canción The Never-ending Why esta en el disco Battle for the sun de Placebo.
Si que conocer más de Placebo podés visitar su biografía, las letras de canciones interpretadas por Placebo, o su discografía.
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