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Letra de Julien'

Letra de la canción Julien' interpreteda por Placebo


Letra de la canción Julien' interpretada por Placebo. Este tema esta incluído en el disco Battle for the sun
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Interprete: Placebo
Disco: Battle for the sun

Letra de la canción:

The payback is here

Take a look, it's all around you

You thought you'd never she'd a tear

So this must astound, must confound you

Buy a ticket for the train

Hide in a suitcase if you have to

This ain't no singing in the rain

This is a twister that will destroy you

You can run but you can't hide

Because no one here gets out alive

Find a friend in whom you can confide

Julien, you're a slow motion suicide

Fallen angels in the night

And every one is far from heaven

Just one more hit to make it right

But every one turns into seven

Now that's it's snowing in your brain

Even ten will not placate you

This ain't no cure for the pain

This avalanche will suffocate you

You can run but you can't hide

Because no one here gets out alive

Find a friend on whom you can rely

Julien, you're being taken for a ride

You can run but you can't hide

Because no one here gets out alive

Find a friend in whom you can confide

Julien, you're a slow motion suicide

Slow motion suicide...

La canción Julien' esta incluida en el disco Battle for the sun de Placebo. Información y letras del disco.
La canción Julien' esta en el disco Battle for the sun de Placebo.
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