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Letra de Perfectly

Letra de la canción Perfectly interpreteda por Natalie Imbruglia


Letra de la canción Perfectly interpretada por Natalie Imbruglia. Este tema esta incluído en el disco Counting Down The Days
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Interprete: Natalie Imbruglia
Disco: Counting Down The Days

Letra de la canción:

when I say it doesn't matter

it matters most of all

you're not up for conversation

so I'm blinded by it all

the further away you push me

the closer I feel to you

every fall every crash

everything that was

never meant to be

all the perfect little things

I can't release

all the nights every time

we were just about to leave

now makes no sense to me

but it seems when we fall

that's when we land perfectly

I can't see what's before me

and cannot feel the ground

this place that we exist in

is the sweetest thing I've found

the further away you push me

the closer I feel to you

La canción Perfectly esta incluida en el disco Counting Down The Days de Natalie Imbruglia. Información y letras del disco.
La canción Perfectly esta en el disco Counting Down The Days de Natalie Imbruglia.
Si que conocer más de Natalie Imbruglia podés visitar su biografía, las letras de canciones interpretadas por Natalie Imbruglia, o su discografía.
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