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Letra de Shiver

Letra de la canción Shiver interpreteda por Natalie Imbruglia


Letra de la canción Shiver interpretada por Natalie Imbruglia. Este tema esta incluído en el disco Counting Down The Days
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Interprete: Natalie Imbruglia
Disco: Counting Down The Days

Letra de la canción:

I walk a mile with a smile.

I don't know I don't care where I am,

But I know it's all right.

Jump the tracks, can't get back.

I don't know anyone round here,

But I'm safe this time.

'Cause when you tell me, tell me, tell me

Stupid things like you do,

Yes I have to, have to, have to

Change the rules; I can't lose.

'Cause I shiver, I just break up.

When I'm near you it all gets out of hand.

Yes I shiver, I get bent up.

There's no way that

I know you'll understand.

We talk and talk, round it all.

Who'd have thought we'd end up here?

But I'm feeling fine.

In a rush never trust, you'll be there

If I'd only stop and take my time.

'Cause with you I'm running, running, running

Somewhere I can't get to.

Yes I have to, have to, have to

Change the rules; I'm with you.

'Cause I shiver, I just break up.

When I'm near you it all gets out of hand.

Yes I shiver, I get bent up.

There's no way that

I know you'll understand.

What if you get off at the next stop?

Would you just wave as I'm drifting off?

And if I never saw you again

Could I (could I) keep all (all) of this (of this) inside?

'Cause I shiver, I just break up.

When I'm near you it all gets out of hand.

Yes I shiver, I get bent up.

There's no way that

I know you'll understand.

(I'm running but my heart won't keep up.

This feeling that I'm feeling is too much.

There's nothing that can slow me down now.

I'm running but I'll catch you somehow.)

I shiver. I shiver.

Yes I shiver, I just break up.

When I'm near you it all gets out of hand.

Yes I shiver, I get bent up.

There's no way that

I know you'll understand.

La canción Shiver esta incluida en el disco Counting Down The Days de Natalie Imbruglia. Información y letras del disco.
La canción Shiver esta en el disco Counting Down The Days de Natalie Imbruglia.
Si que conocer más de Natalie Imbruglia podés visitar su biografía, las letras de canciones interpretadas por Natalie Imbruglia, o su discografía.
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