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Letra de Lukas

Letra de la canción Lukas interpreteda por Natalie Imbruglia


Letra de la canción Lukas interpretada por Natalie Imbruglia. Este tema esta incluído en el disco Come To Life
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Interprete: Natalie Imbruglia
Disco: Come To Life

Letra de la canción:

They call him Lukas,

Climbing the stairs to talk to you,

Coming to tell his story,

Every single one of which is true,

Hello Lukas,

I'm pleased to meet you, now how you do?

So they go driving,

Up to the river like lovers do,

You smell like the summer,

Maybe the summer just smells of you,

One day i'm gonna be a famous writer,

Some look like love in the afternoon,

It was all Lukas could say,

Maybe one day we could run away,

Run away,

[Chorus x2]

ooh ooh ooh ooh,

I thought you'd never ask

Now here comes Lukas,

He'd done everything you wanted to,

It's 20 years later,

Come back to do what he promised to,

He'd come back to make her happy,

But these things don't always wait for you,

And poor Lukas was late,

For when he got back she've been married a day,

Gone away...

[Chorus x2]

ooh ooh ooh ooh,

I thought you'd never ask,

And Lukas would say,

For a million lonely people,

Another lonely day,

For a million hearts that open,

A million break,

And the world's just a fallen angel

In my wake,

High up in heaven you can hear them say,

Looking for Lukas

He'is always running away,

La canción Lukas esta incluida en el disco Come To Life de Natalie Imbruglia. Información y letras del disco.
La canción Lukas esta en el disco Come To Life de Natalie Imbruglia.
Si que conocer más de Natalie Imbruglia podés visitar su biografía, las letras de canciones interpretadas por Natalie Imbruglia, o su discografía.
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