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Letra de Twenty

Letra de la canción Twenty interpreteda por Natalie Imbruglia


Letra de la canción Twenty interpretada por Natalie Imbruglia. Este tema esta incluído en el disco Come To Life
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Interprete: Natalie Imbruglia
Disco: Come To Life

Letra de la canción:

Twenty cities have past me by

Keep finding treasures I don't want to find

But I've stolen and I've crossed the line and I want you, I want you

Twenty seconds and you could be gone

You shine brighter than the morning sun

You think its over but its just begun, and I want you, I want you

This sky is grey,its full of gold

Can feel your heart and feel your soul

I'll drink it up and take it slow I don't need anything else

Tell me where I'm heading,

Tell me that I can be there soon

Somewhere I forgotten, I'll die a little more for you

When everything is broken

There's a piece I never use

I keep finding reasons to die a little more for you

Twenty questions ringing in my head

The moment sober but its never dead

What did I say and what is all this man, cause I want you, I want you

The fire light as it hits your eye

The heads all turn as you walk on by

Baby we belong in another time, but I still want you, I want you

This sky is grey,its full of gold

Can feel your heart and feel your soul

I'll drink it up and take it slow I don't need anything else

Tell me where I'm heading,

Tell me that I can be there soon

Somewhere I forgotten, I'll die a little more for you

When everything is broken

There's a piece i never use

I keep finding reasons to die a little more for you

Die a little more for you

How many things can you wish for

Cause wishing is all I do

When it comes to you

How many lies can you live through

How many times can you keep moving, keep moving on

Tell me where I'm heading,

Tell me that I can be there soon

Somewhere I forgotten, I'll die a little more for you

When everything is broken

There's a piece I never use

I keep finding reasons to die a little more for you, to die a little more for you, to die a little more for you.

La canción Twenty esta incluida en el disco Come To Life de Natalie Imbruglia. Información y letras del disco.
La canción Twenty esta en el disco Come To Life de Natalie Imbruglia.
Si que conocer más de Natalie Imbruglia podés visitar su biografía, las letras de canciones interpretadas por Natalie Imbruglia, o su discografía.
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