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Letra de Ring of fire

Letra de la canción Ring of fire interpreteda por Rata Blanca

Ring of fire

Letra de la canción Ring of fire interpretada por Rata Blanca. Este tema esta incluído en el disco The Forgotten Kingdom
2310 visitas, 1 votos () y 2 comentario/s

Interprete: Rata Blanca
Disco: The Forgotten Kingdom

Letra de la canción:

This can’t be real, the stars are going out,

the moon has gone, as darkness closes in.

I hear the sound that old familiar sound

that terrifies the heart of every child.

Lord give me strength the voices in my head,

the words from the old prayer are screaming.

We must turn and waste the night,

call upon the sacred ring of fire,

we see there is not release,

here in lies your lonely destiny.

Tell me can you see the message

from the shadows lights the way

whit words that can’t be heard.

But in the end even as the darkness

closes in the smallest star can burn so bright.

As I reach out to kiss the burning sky,

the hate in my heart is growing stronger.

We must turn and waste the night,

call upon the sacred ring of fire,

we see there is not release,

here in lies your lonely destiny.

Lord give me strength this voices in my head,

the words from the old prayer are screaming.

We must turn and waste the night,

call upon the sacred ring of fire,

we see there is not release,

here in lies your lonely destiny.

La canción Ring of fire esta incluida en el disco The Forgotten Kingdom de Rata Blanca. Información y letras del disco.
La canción Ring of fire esta en el disco The Forgotten Kingdom de Rata Blanca.
Si que conocer más de Rata Blanca podés visitar su biografía, las letras de canciones interpretadas por Rata Blanca, o su discografía.
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Comentarios sobre Ring of fire
Comentario de Ironman (12/10/2010 08:38)
Pedazo de cancion y de grupo,la version en ingles mucho mejor que la de castellano
Comentario de Veronica (28/12/2009 00:25)
Me cope con el tema ring of fire,suena muy bien rata blanca lo escucho mil veces al dia.