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Letra de Change The World

Letra de la canción Change The World interpreteda por Westlife

Change The World

Letra de la canción Change The World interpretada por Westlife. Este tema esta incluído en el disco Westlife
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Interprete: Westlife
Disco: Westlife

Letra de la canción:

Since you've gone,

well it seems like everything is wrong,

And deep inside,

I know that i've,

lost much more than pride,

Well, happiness is getting further away,

Girl,i miss you more than words can say,

I need a miracle now,

so tell me,

How can i change the world,

Cause i sure can't change your mind,

Where's the miracle i need now,

got to get to you somehow,

Cause i can't change the world,

I can't change the world,

No, i can't change the world,

I can't change the world,

Losing you,

well it's been the hardest thing to do,

So, i close my eyes and tell myself,

that somehow i'll survive,

Well you gave me heaven,

then you took it away,

Girl, i miss you more with each passing day,

i need a miracle now,

so tell me...

How can i change the world, (change it)

Cause i sure can't change your mind,

Where's the miracle i need now,

got to get to you somehow,

And baby,

so sad that you have to leave me,

just so you can find yourself,

And it's so sad that you just can't see,

I love you more than life itself,

No, i can't change the world,

How can i change the world,

Cause i sure can't change your mind,

Where's the miracle i need now,

got to get to you somehow,

Cause i can't change the world,

got to get to you somehow,

No, i can't change the world.....

La canción Change The World esta incluida en el disco Westlife de Westlife. Información y letras del disco.
La canción Change The World esta en el disco Westlife de Westlife.
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