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Letra de Moments

Letra de la canción Moments interpreteda por Westlife


Letra de la canción Moments interpretada por Westlife. Este tema esta incluído en el disco Westlife
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Interprete: Westlife
Disco: Westlife

Letra de la canción:

If i die tonight,

I'd go with no regrets,

If it's in your arms,

I know that i was blessed,

And if your eyes,

are the last thing that i see,

Then i know the beauty heaven holds for me,

But if i make it through,

If i live to see the day,

If i'm with you,

I'll know just what to say,

the truth be told,

Girl, you take my breath away,

every minute, every hour, every day,

Cause every moment,

we share together,

is even better,

than the moment before,

If every day was,

as good as today was,

then i can't wait until tomorrow comes,

A moment in time,

is all that's given you and me,

A moment in time,

and it's something you should seize,

So i won't make,(i won't make)

the mistake of letting go,

Everyday you're here,

i'm gonna let you know,

That every moment,

we share together,

is even better,

than the moment before,

If every day was,

as good as today was,

then i can't wait until tomorrow comes,

Each morning that i get up,

(each morning i'll wait),

I love you more than ever,

(i love you more)

So girl i'll never,

go away, never stray,

So every moment,

we share together,

is even better,

than the moment before,

If every day was,

as good as today was,

then i can't wait until tomorrow comes,

Every moment,

we share together,

is even better,

than the moment before,

If every day was,

as good as today was,

then i can't wait until tomorrow comes,

I love, love, love the moments,

(oh yeah)

Moments we share together,

I love, love, love the moments,

(oh yeah)

I pray they'd last forever,

I love, love, love the moments,

(oh yeah)

Moments we share together,

I love, love, love the moments,

(oh yeah)

I pray they'd last forever now...

La canción Moments esta incluida en el disco Westlife de Westlife. Información y letras del disco.
La canción Moments esta en el disco Westlife de Westlife.
Si que conocer más de Westlife podés visitar su biografía, las letras de canciones interpretadas por Westlife, o su discografía.
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