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Letra de Soledad

Letra de la canción Soledad interpreteda por Westlife


Letra de la canción Soledad interpretada por Westlife. Este tema esta incluído en el disco Coast to coast
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Interprete: Westlife
Disco: Coast to coast

Letra de la canción:

If only you could see the tears in the world you left behind

If only you could heal my heart just one more time

Even when I close my eyes

There's an image of your face

And once again I come I'll realise

You're a loss I can't replace


It's a keeping for the lonely

Since the day that you were gone

Why did you leave me


In my heart you were the only

And your memory live on

Why did you leave me


Walking down the streets of Nothingville

Where our love was young and free

Can't believe just what an empty place

It has come to be

I would give my life away

If it could only be the same

Cause I can't still the voice inside of me

That is calling out your name


It's a keeping for the lonely

Since the day that you were gone

Why did you leave me


In my heart you were the only

And your memory live on

Why did you leave me


Time will never change the things you told me

After all we're meant to be love will bring us back to you and me

If only you could see


It's a keeping for the lonely

Since the day that you were gone

Why did you leave me


In my heart you were the only

And your memory live on

Why did you leave me


La canción Soledad esta incluida en el disco Coast to coast de Westlife. Información y letras del disco.
La canción Soledad esta en el disco Coast to coast de Westlife.
Si que conocer más de Westlife podés visitar su biografía, las letras de canciones interpretadas por Westlife, o su discografía.
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