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Letra de How Does It Feel

Letra de la canción How Does It Feel interpreteda por Westlife

How Does It Feel

Letra de la canción How Does It Feel interpretada por Westlife. Este tema esta incluído en el disco Unbreakable: The Greatest Hits Vol. 1
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Interprete: Westlife
Disco: Unbreakable: The Greatest Hits Vol. 1

Letra de la canción:

True lovers never take it slowly

When they've found the one and only

Nothing can replace this feeling

Knowing someone loves you

It's painted with the pain and glory

Taking from a known sad story

Laying out my life before me

Fearing the unknown

Sharing never showed me much appeal

And now I'm only praying it's for real

So how does it feel

When I hold you in my arms

And you're lying next to me

Never wanting you to leave

Until I'll tell you how it feels

To be cradled like my dreams

And to know that you love me

No more wasting time in asking other people

How does it feel

How does it feel

Forever taken you for granted

You give me everything I wanted

I'm so afraid that I might lose you

But time will let us see

If everything is real I'm feeling

Well maybe we've been only dreaming

And if it's gonna die to save it

Cos baby I believe

Nothing in the world could make it right

Cos baby loving you brings me to life

And how does it feel

When I hold you in my arms

And you're lying next to me

Never wanting you to leave

Until I'll tell you how it feels

To be cradled like my dreams

And to know that you love me

No more wasting time in asking other people

How does it feel

Woah, woah, woah

Nothing in the world could feel this right

Cos baby you're the best thing in my life

How does it feel

When I hold you in my arms

And you're lying next to me

Never wanting you to leave

Until I'll tell you how it feels

To be cradled like my dreams

And to know that you love me

No more wasting time in asking other people

How does it feel

La canción How Does It Feel esta incluida en el disco Unbreakable: The Greatest Hits Vol. 1 de Westlife. Información y letras del disco.
La canción How Does It Feel esta en el disco Unbreakable: The Greatest Hits Vol. 1 de Westlife.
Si que conocer más de Westlife podés visitar su biografía, las letras de canciones interpretadas por Westlife, o su discografía.
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