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Letra de The Tower That Ate People

Letra de la canción The Tower That Ate People interpreteda por Peter Gabriel

The Tower That Ate People

Letra de la canción The Tower That Ate People interpretada por Peter Gabriel. Este tema esta incluído en el disco OVO
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Interprete: Peter Gabriel
Disco: OVO

Letra de la canción:

Brick by brick by brick by brick we're building

Brick by brick by brick by brick we're building

Brick by brick by brick by brick we're building

Brick by brick by brick by brick we're building

There's a bump in the basement

There's a knocking on the wall

In the pumping of the pistons

I swear I heard your call

There's a bump in the basement

There's a hole in the floor

There's a guard in the garden

Locking up the door

There's a rumble in the floorboards

No shutting out the sound

And the workers are below me digging underground

Feel the building all around me

Like a wrap of armoured skin

But the more we are protected

The more we're trapped within

We're building up and up

We're building up and up

We're building up and up

We're building up and up

Till we can touch the sky

Tell it like it is

Till there's no misunderstanding

When you strip it right back

Man feed machine

Machine feed man

Tell it like it is

Till there's no misunderstanding

Make up what you like

Man fed machine

Machine feed man

La canción The Tower That Ate People esta incluida en el disco OVO de Peter Gabriel. Información y letras del disco.
La canción The Tower That Ate People esta en el disco OVO de Peter Gabriel.
Si que conocer más de Peter Gabriel podés visitar su biografía, las letras de canciones interpretadas por Peter Gabriel, o su discografía.
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