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Letra de There's no tomorrow

Letra de la canción There's no tomorrow interpreteda por Elton John

There's no tomorrow

Letra de la canción There's no tomorrow interpretada por Elton John. Este tema esta incluído en el disco The union
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Interprete: Elton John
Disco: The union

Letra de la canción:

There's no time for waiting,

No future to see,

Inside the next moment,

Nothing might be,

The answer is not certain,

No time to decide,

Is this the last curtain?

There's no place to hide.

There's no tomorrow,

There's no tomorrow,

There's no tomorrow,

There's only today.

We all know the story,

We've heard it before,

We end up no question,

Outside of death's door,

There's no easy answer,

To the question at hand,

So easy to ask,

And not understand.

There's no tomorrow,

There's no tomorrow,

There's no tomorrow,

There's only today,

There's no tomorrow,

There's no tomorrow,

There's no tomorrow,

There's only today.

There's only today.

La canción There's no tomorrow esta incluida en el disco The union de Elton John. Información y letras del disco.
La canción There's no tomorrow esta en el disco The union de Elton John.
Si que conocer más de Elton John podés visitar su biografía, las letras de canciones interpretadas por Elton John, o su discografía.
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