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Letra de Grow A Pear

Letra de la canción Grow A Pear interpreteda por Kesha

Grow A Pear

Letra de la canción Grow A Pear interpretada por Kesha. Este tema esta incluído en el disco Cannibal
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Interprete: Kesha
Disco: Cannibal

Letra de la canción:

Last night I had enough of you

I put down the bricks

And I could tell you took it hard it was over your face

Since you're slippin and flippin

But here is the sitch

I signed up for a membership

You are just a bitch

You should know

That I love you alone

But I just can't date a dude with a vag

When we fell in love

You made my heart drop

And you had me thinking 'bout you nonstop

That you cried 'bout this and whine about that

When you grow a pear

You can call me back

Yeah I think you're hot

I think you're alright

But you're acting like the chick all the time

You are cool and now you're not just like that

When you grow a pear

You can call me back

When I first met you

Panties droppin'

Every time I saw you it was on and

One day you asked if we can just talkin

That's the reason why I'm walkin'

If I am honest I'm just not hooked on your phonics

I'm not tryin' to be rude or crude

I just want one thing from you

And you got confused

You should know

That I love you alone

But I just can't date a dude with a vag

When we fell in love

You made my heart drop

And you had me thinking 'bout you nonstop

That you cried 'bout this and whine about that

When you grow a pear

You can call me back

Yeah I think you're hot

I think you're alright

But you're acting like the chick all the time

You are cool and now you're not just like that

When you grow a pear

You can call me back

When you grow a pear

You can call me back

When you grow a pear

You can call me back

Grow a pear

You can call me back

When you grow a pear

You can call me back

Grow a pear

You can call me back

And no I don't want your man-gina

When you grow a pear

You can call me back

When we fell in love

You made my heart drop

And you had me thinking 'bout you nonstop

That you cried 'bout this and whine about that

When you grow a pear

You can call me back

Yeah I think you're hot

I think you're alright

But you're acting like the chick all the time

You are cool and now you're not just like that

When you grow a pear

You can call me back

La canción Grow A Pear esta incluida en el disco Cannibal de Kesha. Información y letras del disco.
La canción Grow A Pear esta en el disco Cannibal de Kesha.
Si que conocer más de Kesha podés visitar su biografía, las letras de canciones interpretadas por Kesha, o su discografía.
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