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Letra de My heart is broken

Letra de la canción My heart is broken interpreteda por Evanescence

My heart is broken

Letra de la canción My heart is broken interpretada por Evanescence. Este tema esta incluído en el disco Evanescence
3019 visitas, 1 votos () y 1 comentario/s

Interprete: Evanescence
Disco: Evanescence

Letra de la canción:

I will wander until the end of time

torn away from you

I pulled away to face the pain

I close my eyes and drift away

Over the field

That I will never find a way

to heal my soul

And I will wander until the end of time

torn away from you

My heart is broken

Sweet dreams my dark angel,

Deliver us from sorrow's hold

From my heart, heart

I can't go on living this way

I can't go back the way i came, change of this field

That i will never find the way

to heal my soul

And I will wander until the end of the time

half alive without you

My heart is broken

Sweet dreams my dark angel

Deliver us


Open your eyes to the light

I've denied for so long

oh so long

Say goodbye


My heart is broken

Realease me, I can't hold on

Deliver us

My heart is broken

Sweet dreams my dark angel

Deliver us

My heart is broken

Sweet dreams my dark angel

Deliver us from sorrow's hold

La canción My heart is broken esta incluida en el disco Evanescence de Evanescence. Información y letras del disco.
La canción My heart is broken esta en el disco Evanescence de Evanescence.
Si que conocer más de Evanescence podés visitar su biografía, las letras de canciones interpretadas por Evanescence, o su discografía.
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Comentarios sobre My heart is broken
Comentario de Karooh (28/01/2014 23:47)
Amo esa canción