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Letra de The Change

Letra de la canción The Change interpreteda por Evanescence

The Change

Letra de la canción The Change interpretada por Evanescence. Este tema esta incluído en el disco Evanescence
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Interprete: Evanescence
Disco: Evanescence

Letra de la canción:

I thought that I was strong

I know the words i need to say

Frozen in my place

And let the moment slip away

I've been screaming on the inside

and I know you feel the pain

Can you hear me?

Can you hear me?

Say it's over

Yes it's over

but I need you anyway

say you love me

but it's not enough

Never meant to lie

but I'm not the girl you think you know

The more that I am with you

The more that I am all alone

I've been screaming on the inside

And I know you feel the pain

Can you hear me?

Can you hear me?

Say it's over

Yes it's over

but I need you anyway

Say you love me

but it's not enough

Not that I'm so different

Not that I don't see

the dying light of

what we used to be

But how can I forgive you

Just change

And I'm a liar by your side

I'm about to lose my mind

'Cause I've been screaming on the inside

and i know you feel the pain

Can you hear me

Can you hear me

You've been dreaming if your thinking

that i still belong to you

and I've been dying

'Cause i'm lying to myself

Say it's over

Yes, It's over

but i need you anyway

Say you love me

but it's not enough

La canción The Change esta incluida en el disco Evanescence de Evanescence. Información y letras del disco.
La canción The Change esta en el disco Evanescence de Evanescence.
Si que conocer más de Evanescence podés visitar su biografía, las letras de canciones interpretadas por Evanescence, o su discografía.
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