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Letra de Battle Born

Letra de la canción Battle Born interpreteda por The Killers

Battle Born

Letra de la canción Battle Born interpretada por The Killers. Este tema esta incluído en el disco Battle Born
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Interprete: The Killers
Disco: Battle Born

Letra de la canción:

Lost Faith in the human spirit

You walk around like a ghost

Your star spangled heart

Took a train for the coast

When you shine your a hill top Mansion

So how’d you lose the light was it blown

by the wind in the still of the night

Your up against the wall

Up against the wall

Something dying on the Street

When they knock you down

Your Gonna get back on your feet

(Cause you can’t stop now)

I always saw you as a kind of keeper

A mother to a child

But your boys have grown soft

and your girls have gone wild.

From the blue ridge to the black hills

to the redwood sky.

The season may pass

but the dream doesn’t die

now that you dropped the wall

Your up against the wall

Up against the wall

Something dying on the Street

When they knock you down

Your Gonna get back on your feet

(Cause you can’t stop now)

When they break your heartand

when they cause your soul to mourn

Remember what I said that you was “Battle Born”

(Cause you Can’t Stop now)

You was Battle Born

When the night falls on the land

are you haunted by the sound?

Its gonna take more than a hand to turn this sing around

Do you need a little relief, rescue?

Set me free

Up against the wall

(Up against the wall)

Something dying on the street

When they Knock you down

Your gonna get back on your feet

(Cause you can’t stop now)

Come on show your face

Come on give us one look more Fire

Unless you fall into the dark

You never win

You never lose

You can never shine if you never prove

Rise in time

They never told

The family man

Turn away

The open home

La canción Battle Born esta incluida en el disco Battle Born de The Killers. Información y letras del disco.
La canción Battle Born esta en el disco Battle Born de The Killers.
Si que conocer más de The Killers podés visitar su biografía, las letras de canciones interpretadas por The Killers, o su discografía.
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