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Letra de Glassheart

Letra de la canción Glassheart interpreteda por Leona Lewis


Letra de la canción Glassheart interpretada por Leona Lewis . Este tema esta incluído en el disco Glassheart
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Interprete: Leona Lewis
Disco: Glassheart

Letra de la canción:

Tragic, broken like a china door

Burning like a gun shot

My heart is breaking

It always hurts

And through each other

Down on the floor

My heart is breaking

It's made of glass

And anything that's good never ever lasts


So baby if you love me, let me know

'Cause everything hurts just like before

Your about to tear this heart apart

I love you like a glass heart

So baby if you love me, let me know

'Cause everytime you touch, touch turn to go

Promise I will never fall apart

And I love you with my glass heart (x3)

Running round, staring at our empty room

Staring at the window

I hear music that we used to make

But maybe I shouldn't though

My heart was beatin'

And so was yours

And through each other

Down on the floor

My heart is breaking

It's made of glass

And anything that's good never ever lasts


So baby if you love me, let me know

'Cause everything hurts just like before

Your about to tear this heart apart

And break another glass heart

So baby if you love me, let me know

'Cause everytime you touch, touch turn to go

Promise I will never fall apart

And I love you with my glass heart (x3)

And you promised not to let me fall apart

Fall apart

And I love you with my glass heart

So baby if you love me, let me know

'Cause everytime you touch, touch turn to go

Promise I will never fall apart

And I love you with my glass heart

La canción Glassheart esta incluida en el disco Glassheart de Leona Lewis . Información y letras del disco.
La canción Glassheart esta en el disco Glassheart de Leona Lewis .
Si que conocer más de Leona Lewis podés visitar su biografía, las letras de canciones interpretadas por Leona Lewis , o su discografía.
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